JSON Hyper-Schema

I stumbled upon JSON Hyper-Schema [1], a module defined on top of JSON
Schema [2].
It seems to me a sort of JSON-LD (with a more powerful templating
mechanism) + Hydra Core Vocabulary (without description of available
Possibly it could be used to build an LD (maybe even Hydra) front-end
to existing JSON-based Web APIs (at least simple ones). The REST
support is quite limited (just GET and POST) but that could be
extended somehow.
What do you think of it?

Have you considered some form of integration or reference to that spec?
Do you know if there is work going on on that?


[1] http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-hypermedia.html
[2] http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html

Received on Sunday, 22 March 2015 02:52:57 UTC