Re: JSON Hyper-Schema

Hi Miguel,

On 03/23/2015 04:10 PM, Miguel wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> thanks for the reply.
> I have quite a good Semantic Web background (RDF,OWL,SPARQL,...) but I
> am new to the world of Semantic Web APIs.
> So I profited quite a lot from following your presentation.
> I didn't even know what HATEOAS meant. So basically most of the "so
> called" REST APIs are not really REST if they don't describe
> programmatically their affordances?
I would not say 'describe programmatically', I would say in a way
'which is machine readable'.
> It seems to me that Hydra can be a concrete enabler for the Semantic
> Web (here in the most general meaning, not related to a specific set
> of technologies) as it offers a way to describe APIs in a standard way
> such that generic clients are able to consume the services without
> previous knowledge.
That's the holy grail.

> Also other standard ways to access Linked Data like the LD Platform or
> the LD Fragments can be useful in that direction.
> Actually I arrived to read JSON Hyper Schema following a more specific idea.
> Is there a general way to build simple adapters for existing
> (pseudo-)REST APIs so that a full semantic frontend is made available
> (maybe supporting Hydra or for simple cases just LDP)?
> If that could be done in a concise and possible declarative way,
> existing services could be easily adapted such that they can be
> consumed by generic Hydra or LDP clients.

There is some stuff out there [1]
but certainly not what you describe.
> So I started looking for declarative options to do that.
> Starting bottom-up, for a JSON-based service the first thing would be
> a declarative way to convert JSON messages to meaningful Linked Data
> (serialized through JSON-LD).
The easiest way to do this is to add a HTTP Link
Header pointing to a corresponding context.
Maybe you can additionally add/ override the content type to ` 

> JSON Hyper Schema used for that task seems to give greater flexibility
> than JSON-LD contexts. But not supporting polymorphism is a certain
> drawback. Another limit is that it would be in any case just one-way,
> without an analogous of Compaction.
> I think that, following your suggestion, I will try directly with a
> semantic representation. I am thinking about using JSON-LD contexts
> embedded in a Hydra documentation of the would-be semantic API. Those
> JSON-LD, associated to specific classes and/or operations, would be
> used to translate the message back and forth the underlying "old API".
> What do you think about it?
I'm not sure whether I understood you correctly her,
can you make an example?

> Best,
> Miguel

Received on Monday, 23 March 2015 16:36:26 UTC