RE: Link relation type to link to discover LDP

On 21 Jun 2015 at 22:47, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
>> No. I think we should address this differently, i.e., remove variables
from TPF.
> That's not possible due to patterns like
>    ?x foaf:knows ?x

Does the server need to know about that? Isn't it enough if the client knows
about this restriction?

>> It would conflict with the Hydra spec as ?var would be interpreted as the
>> string "?var" and (likely) no triple would match.
> No, there is currently no interpretation for ?var.
> The string "?var" is represented as "?var" in explicit representation.
> ?var would be a URI (because no quotes),
> but relative URIs are not meaningful in this context anyway.

Hmm.... I have to say I really don't like this.

> So I would still want to clarify the syntax for variables.
>> Yep, that's the general idea. Think of hydra:filter like a parametrized
>> S(PAR)QL query
> Can I go ahead and make a pull request to add hydra:filter
> and clarify hydra:search?

Sure. At least we have something concrete to discuss then. What's not 100%
clear to me yet is how to define what is actually being filtered. In the
case of collections it might be trivial (its members), but if we want to
generalize it to something else (datasets?) we need to be careful to do it

> Does hydra:search have any formal meaning at all then?

Depends on what you mean by "formal meaning".

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 07:12:41 UTC