Re: Link relation type to link to discover LDP

Hi Markus,

> No. I think we should address this differently, i.e., remove variables from TPF.

That's not possible due to patterns like
   ?x foaf:knows ?x

> Variables just make sense if they are bound to something.

I wouldn't say that. They can serve as a placeholder for a value.

> It would conflict with the Hydra spec as ?var would be interpreted as the
> string "?var" and (likely) no triple would match.

No, there is currently no interpretation for ?var.
The string "?var" is represented as "?var" in explicit representation.
?var would be a URI (because no quotes),
but relative URIs are not meaningful in this context anyway.

So I would still want to clarify the syntax for variables.

> Yep, that's the general idea. Think of hydra:filter like a parametrized
> S(PAR)QL query

Can I go ahead and make a pull request to add hydra:filter
and clarify hydra:search?

Does hydra:search have any formal meaning at all then?



Received on Sunday, 21 June 2015 20:48:02 UTC