RE: Tie-in to HTTP in Hydra

On 20 Jun 2014 at 20:31, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On Sunday 15. June 2014 21.38.33 Markus Lanthaler wrote:
>> True. The thing, however, is that we don't have a lot of resources and it
>> is not something people have been asking for. In fact (if I remember
>> correctly and setting aside a couple of discussions with Sam), you are
>> the first to bring this topic up. So if you would like to spearhead that
>> effort, please write up a little draft to get this off the ground. It
>> doesn't need to be formal at all... a simple wiki page or GitHub issue
>> would be more than enough to start discussions and see if people are
>> interested.
> OK, cool! I'll try! Also, Ruben and I have a master's student (hi
> Kristoffer!) who is going to work on hypermedia. I have the feeling this
> too simple for a master's though.

Cool! Kristoffer, will you work on/with Hydra? If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to ask... it puts more pressure on your supervisors to answer
your mails if you do so on a public list :-P

>> Yeah, it's easy for you to do because you know all of this. But what if I
>> send a friend of mine the URL
>>   rtsp://
>> He can stream the video, but that's it. There's no way for him to get any
>> data about this camera. On the other hand, if I would send him
>> He would be able to get to that data.. and if you include the link to the
>> stream there, he can also stream the video. Why make it more complicated
>> to consumers than necessary?
> Because if rtsp:// doesn't exist, they
> stream...? :-) Really, I didn't quite understand what was complicated
> it... The point is merely that you want to be able to make statements
> rtsp:// and so it has to be in the subject
> of some RDF, and then a subject or (S)CBD is overly restrictive.

Assume I know nothing about your service at all. If you just send me the URL
rtsp:// via email or Skype, how would I be
able to find the rest of your system? If I were to receive this URL, I would
go to look up the protocol scheme [1]. The registry tells me I should have a
look at RFC2326 [2]. Now I know how to start the stream, pause it etc. But
there's nothing in RDF2326 which tells me anything else about your system.
In other words, I wouldn't be able to find the data at all. Or do I miss

>> Would you be interested to try to add another protocol? If so, which one?
> RTSP seems like a good choice...

Cool! I'm looking forward to see what you are coming up with. Keep us


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 22 June 2014 20:50:11 UTC