RE: making RDF model visible in spec [was: representing hypermedia controls in RDF]

On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 5:01 PM, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> > There's a playground on both and on my site
> > which lets you do that.
> Is it available as a standalone npm package?
> Otherwise, I just might do that first, so I have a command-line tool
> like
>    jsonld file.json

Dave Longley maintains a npm package:

> >> a) Turtle is still not standardized
> >
> > Neither is JSON-LD :-P
> But JSON has been for a long time!

Not really.. RFC4627 is an *informational* RFC, there's currently an effort
to bring it on the standards track as RFC4627bis and ECMA has published
ECMA-404 just a month ago.

> > As you probably know, the spec is on GitHub:
> >
> >
> > and uses ReSpec [1]. I think the simplest thing to make some progress
> > here would be a pull request so that we have something concrete to look
> > at. Much appreciated that you spend your time on this!
> You're right. Mind if I postpone this until December? (Have a PhD
> defense coming up.)

Sure. Good luck with your defense.. but I have no doubts that you'll do
great. Let me know how it went.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 11:52:14 UTC