Re: HTML 5.x, why?

LĂ©onie Watson wrote:
>  There are differences of course, many are editorial and the reason for 
>  those is that each organisation writes for a different audience. 

This is the key one for me.

My impression (not hugely involved in HTML spec development) is that the WHATWG spec is for browsers, and the W3C one is for a wider audience.

Apologies if I've insulted everyone involved, that's just my current impression.

Perhaps one route would be to further separate them, where the W3C version is more explicitly aimed at developers et al.  It could some of the more in-depth aspects, and include more advice.

The 5.x is useful for stable references, for example WCAG 2.1 will (probably) reference 5.2 for autofill tokens.

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 17:10:16 UTC