Re: Dropping MediaController in HTML5.1?

Might be good to get some good tests before making the decision, so we make
an informed decision?

Best Regards,
On 5 Mar 2015 02:32, "Philippe Le Hegaret" <> wrote:

> Blink is unshipping the MediaController by default [1]. It is now back
> behind their " Enable experimental Web Platform features".
> MediaController is part of HTML 5.0 but, due to an oversight, it was never
> properly tested.
> I believe we should consider whether we want to keep for HTML 5.1. If we'd
> like to, then we'll need further imho.
> Philippe
> [1]!topic/
> blink-dev/MVcoNSPs1UQ

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 21:32:44 UTC