Minutes from WebApps + HTMLWG Editing Task Force face to face meeting

Hi folks,

The minutes of the August 23-24 Editing Task Force f2f meeting are available as:
* http://www.w3.org/2015/08/23-webapps-minutes.html <http://www.w3.org/2015/08/23-webapps-minutes.html>
* http://www.w3.org/2015/08/24-webapps-minutes.html <http://www.w3.org/2015/08/24-webapps-minutes.html>

- RESOLUTION: We think we want strict subsets - events is a subset of caret is a subset of typing which is a subset of true.
- RESOLUTION: we want information in selection that says where the caret is - before/after linebreak, where in a bidi boundary it is, and a way to say how to put it in a given place (before, after, or at both ends). Primitives for a superset of all browser behaviour, but browsers will choose for themselves where to put it and leave editor implementors to normalise that if they want it
- RESOLUTION: For now we can live with not being able to solve the edge case of knowing which end of a bidi block you get to when you move the DOM across to a different browser
- RESOLUTION: We are going to focus on describing ce=typing as a priority.
- RESOLUTION: : We will have typing with compositionstart (cancelable) when you can set a selection point, then a series on non cancelable beforeinputs to replace text, and two kinds of delete events - one inside composition not cancelable, and a "normal" one to be handled by the application
- RESOLUTION: We will ask the accessibility people to look at IMEs and the problems we should have considered here but didn’t.
- RESOLUTION: remove caret, and put it in beforeselectionchange in selection API
- RESOLUTION: have a relatedEvent to point to the UI event that caused a DI event to be fired.
- RESOLUTION: one delete event with data for forward/backward
- RESOLUTION: We want to be able to insert newline or new paragraph

Thanks to all meeting participants, the scribes/chairs, and the host.


Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2015 09:50:28 UTC