Re: is it necessary to disambiguate (using markup) inline notes,citations and original markup? [was] use of <mark> to denote notes in quoted text

Reinier Kaper, Sun, 8 Sep 2013 14:28:00 -0400:
> In some languages (also in English I'm pretty sure) ellipsis in the text
> means you've skipped a part of the original text, so I don't think that
> would be a good rendering method.
> Again I want to stress that a 'note' has a significantly different meaning
> than a 'highlight', although in this case they seem to enter a grey area.

Absolutely. That’s why ellipsis is the the right solution. Because I 
did not explain a way to highlight something. I described a way to 
markup notes. Becase, to add ellipsis to a text  to show that something 
was deleted *is* to add a note to the text/quote.
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 8 September 2013 20:13:38 UTC