Re: HTML5.1 refactor and cleanup

On 24/11/2013 19:16 , Jirka Kosek wrote:
> While scrolling down to conformance section I have noticed strange image
> in 2.2.1
> (
> ) created by the following code:
> <span class="fingerprint" data-x="fingerprinting vector">
> <img alt="(This is a fingerprinting vector.)" height="64"
> src="images/fingerprint.png" width="46"/>
> </span>
> I have completely no clue why this is here.

The key for that image is here:

I agree that it is both ugly, unreadable, and nigh impossible to figure 
out as it stands. One step forward would be to at least link it 
correctly to its dfn. But it would also be made clearer — suggestions in 
this area are welcome.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 25 November 2013 10:15:56 UTC