Re: WHATWG cherry-pick

Oops. Thanks for fixing!
On 25 Nov 2013 01:43, "Steve Faulkner" <> wrote:

> found a </div> was missing after latest changes, this broke multipage and
> lead to whole spec being enclosed in a div styled as an example :-)
> fixed.
> --
> Regards
> SteveF
> HTML 5.1 <>
> On 24 November 2013 03:51, Silvia Pfeiffer <>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've just updated the HTML5.1 spec with the latest patches from the
>> feature/whatwg branch to get us up-to-date.
>> Cheers,
>> Silvia.
>> Here is the list of patches:
>> 1.
>>    (WHATWG: 8311)
>>     [t] (1) Allow <input type=button value> to be translated, since
>> that value isn't submitted
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: HTML
>> 2.
>>     (WHATWG: 8310)
>>     [giow] (2) Prevent dead Blobs and Files from being cloned
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: Canvas, DOM APIs
>> 3.
>>    (WHATWG: 8307)
>>     [giow] (2) Fix the rules on what 'Origin' header to use when
>> navigating to a resource in an <iframe>, <object>, <embed>, or <frame>
>> element, so that the latter two are not forgotten.
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: HTML
>> 4.
>>     (WHATWG: 8306)
>>     [giow] (1) People apparently don't like it when the spec requires
>> things that are impossible to implement, go figure. (In this case,
>> synchronously detecting that one of the MessagePorts being Transferred
>> in the MessagePort message is actually the target of the message. You
>> can't necessarily know this synchronously, since if the port has been
>> shunted around between workers, you might only discover who the final
>> target actually is after the message has itself bounced between
>> threads for a while.)
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: DOM APIs
>> Editorial changes:
>> 1.
>>   (WHATWG: 8312)
>>    [e] (0) Mark areas that need updating for this bug (moving IDNA
>> references to URL standard references).
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: Security
>> 2.
>>     (WHATWG: 8309)
>>     [e] (0) try to add a cross-reference at the dfn of 'do not apply'
>> to link people to where those terms are used
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: DOM APIs, HTML
>> 3.
>>    (WHATWG: 8308)
>>     [e] (0) Try to clarify the term 'line segments' with a
>> cross-reference.
>>     Fixing
>>     Affected topics: Canvas

Received on Sunday, 24 November 2013 22:43:25 UTC