Re: proposal: subline element

Heydon Pickering, Fri, 31 May 2013 11:18:28 +0100:
> I've read through the other comments and one theme I'm strongly opposed to
> is that of making <subline> a child element that can appear _inside_ a
> heading. Validators should read "you can't use a <subline> in this context".
> A subheading is not a component of a heading but a complement to it. To
> take a random (and rather dry!) example I found (here:

Is <figcaption> part of the <figure>? One could argue that captions are 
not part the stuff that it captions. Still all caption elements are 
children of the thing that they caption.

The advantage of having a choice between placing <subline> inside or 
outside the h1-h6 elements is that one this way can govern whether the 
subline should show up in outlines as a section of a heading - or not.
leif halvard sili

Received on Friday, 31 May 2013 11:41:23 UTC