Polyglot markup already exists and is already of value (Was:NU’s polyglot possibilities)

Alex Russell, Thu, 24 Jan 2013 17:14:36 -0500:

> Under what conditions can the expectations of producers
> and consumers of polyglot documents be simplified by the addition of
> polyglot markup to their existing world/toolchain?

1. Polyglot markup exists. The question is if we should have a
   recommended spec for it.
2. PM has already created value for at least one XML tool (chain)
3. PM shows that one can create fully HTML5-conforming XHTML5 with
   XML tools. In my view, that is a pretty good value. 
4. We often cannot predict when something fails. PM implements many
   best practice principles = can help you fail less often.
5. Since it implements so many best practice principles, I see
   PM as a symbol. Many of its features are not features of 
   polyglot markup. E.g. despite some of them's opposition, PM is
   also a symbol of many of the ideas and features that the brains
   behind HTML5 has championed. By symbol I mean that while it can
   be taken literally, it also has value as inspiration and 
   compressed wisdom.

leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 04:34:08 UTC