Re: Getting HTML5 to Recommendation in 2014

On 09/20/2012 07:44 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Similarly, I was surprised by what is stated for Issue-194
> full-transcript attribute :
>      Allow the A11y TF the authority to produce an extension spec that
> includes full-transcript. If such a specification obtains consensus
> and meets the proposed CR exit criteria by 2014Q2 it could be folded
> back into the core HTML spec at that time.
> We already have two change proposals for this issue that both came out
> of the a11y TF. I was under impression that the next step was a
> decision by the chairs. Are you now expecting the a11y TF to decide
> between the two change proposals and come up with spec text for it?

Would the following work for you?  (Changes in _UNDERSCORED_CAPS_)

Allow the A11y TF the authority to produce _ONE_OR_MORE_ extension 
spec_S_ that include full-transcript. If _ANY_ such a specification 
obtains consensus and meets the proposed CR exit criteria by 2014Q2 it 
could be folded back into the core HTML spec at that time.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 00:16:38 UTC