Re: Extension spec for hgroup (Was: Re: Getting HTML5 to Recommendation in 2014)

On Sep 20, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Steve Faulkner <> wrote:

> Hi maciej,
>> (2) I don't believe there is any implementation of the outline algorithm, which is where the semantics of hgroup matter. In my personal opinion, the outline >algorithm as a whole should be marked "at-risk" at the very least.
> hgroup  (if implemented) as currently deifined effects (negatively I
> think) the semantics exposed to AT independent of the the outline
> algorithm, so outline is not the only situation that hgroup semantics
> matter.

Fair enough. That would likely mean that either the accessibility behavior or the hgroup element itself would be "at risk" features, if that behavior has not been implemented.


Received on Thursday, 20 September 2012 16:29:13 UTC