Re: [updated] proposed rewording of ISSUE-204 text

Edward O'Connor, Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:52:40 -0700:

> Here is a small revision of that text [ … ]

>>  * a <map> referenced from <img usemap>
>>  * table headers referenced with the headers="" attribute
>> Cases where it would be inappropriate for the structure of hidden=""
>> elements to be exposed to users of AT with such an API include:
>>  * a hidden="" element referenced by <a href> within the same document
>>  * a hidden="" form element referenced by <label for>
>>    Note: The sorts of elements referenced from <label for> cannot be
>>    flattened without losing essential meaning (see below).

Ted, I did touch it, but I'll say it more directly: The text should be 
absolutely clear about whether it speaks about hidden="" texts or 
hidden texts. So, for <map>, for instance: The content of <map> is not 
hidden by default. (I think, in Firefox before version 4, it used to 
be, due to what HTML4 said.) But some might think that it is, since the 
<area> elements - that typically is the sole content of a <map> - is by 
default, not visually rendered (though one can watch how the mouse 
pointer changes and the tool tips displayed in that regard). 

So if you meant <map hidden="">, then the text should say "<map 
hidden>" and not "<map>".

The same goes for "table headers". I suppose you meant table header 
cells. And should exemplify by saying "<th hidden=''>"
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 16:31:14 UTC