Updates to 2dcanvas boilerplate files & associated resources.

The following is a summary of changes made to the 2dcontext spec boilerplate files for the last week.

Images for 2dcontext spec 9/10/12   
 - created 2dcontext\images directory
 - added 6 .png files that correspond to links in the 2dcontext spec

header-w3c-html-2dcontext  [1]
   -added "The 2D Context provides objects, methods, and properties to draw and manipulate
     graphics on a <code>canvas</code> drawing surface. "  9/10/12
   -removing Ian as editor   9/5/12
   - updating font/Essays1743.ttf  9/5/12
   - setting <html lang="en-US"> from <html lang="en-US-x-Hixie">   9/5/12   (note: did this before discussion and bug online over the weekend.)
    -setting Ian to former editor 9/6/12

middle-override-styles  -  9/5/12   [2] 
  - added Essays1743 files (4 total) to a new fonts folder in GitHub
  - updated path to fonts 

middle-w3c-copyright - 9/5/12 [3] 
 - removed description and list of WHATWG specs.

middle-w3c-feedback 9/4/12 [4]
 - changed boilerplate to text that was listed in the PubRules tool when the file was tested. 
-  removed feedback form and text. 

middle-w3c-feedback-html 9/4/12 [5] 
 - removed whatwg.org email address and associated text for feedback.
 - removed text describing that the editor maintains a list at whatwg.org for issues. 
 - updated text for discussions for implementers not taking part in working groups. 
 - removed paragraph about everyone not agreeing and finding members who object strongly. (this is true of any committee)
 - removed links for WHATWG subversion and associated text
 - removed text about W3c HTML wg pursuing convergence with WHATWG. 

middle-w3c-html-module-status 9/4/12  [6] 
 - removed "under no circumstances ..." text 

 --------- links -----
1. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/header-w3c-html-2dcontext  
2. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/middle-override-styles  
3. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/middle-w3c-copyright
4. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/middle-w3c-feedback
5. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/middle-w3c-feedback-html
6. https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/boilerplate/middle-w3c-html-module-status

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 23:38:44 UTC