Re: maincontent element

Cameron Jones, Mon, 10 Sep 2012 16:17:38 +0100:
> For structural demarcation, <article> represents a single piece, and
> <section> represents a set of pieces as part of a whole. Where is the
> room for another abstract structural container element which is
> supposed to have meaning?

If an article stretches over more 3 pages, would it then be correct to 
use <article> for - say - each 1/3 or that article? I guess <section> 
could work. But in theory, one could split something in the midst of a 
section too. Be that as it may: My understanding is that <maincontent> 
- just like <footer> and <header> - relates to the page layout rather 
than the structure of an abstract entity within - or outside - the page.

> The problem with "main", "content" or "maincontent" i think can be
> summarized by the rationalization people will justify in using it:
> "Ooh, this <p> is some main content, better wrap it in a 
> <maincontent> tag!".
> "Ooh, this <span> is also main content, better make sure i wrap it in
> a <maincontent> tag too!!".
> Hence, the concern that this tag would be grossly overused to the
> point of negating any intended usefulness arising from predictability.
> Compare this with the more distinct inference of the semantics of
> <article> and <section>. They infer single and multiple frequency
> which is difficult to be confused and are at the level which
> structural elements are targeted for use and practical benefit.

The validator does not protest if one nests one <article> within 
another or if one has more than one <article> on the same page.
leif halvard silli

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 16:17:22 UTC