Re: Adaptive Image Element Proposal

Steve Faulkner, Fri, 31 Aug 2012 20:14:06 +0100:

> until UAs support picture, text alternatives can be supplied via the
> fallback image. It could still be supplied this way for browsers that
> support picture btw.
> <picture>
> <img alt="text alternative">
> </picture>

So, just to be 100%: Based on how JAWS + Firefox 13+ handle the canvas 
element[1], then AT users would experience the picture element the 
following way::

1. the picture element would itself not be announced (unless
   authors added a role (e.g. role=img) to the picture element) and
2. in case there were no <img> element in the fallback, then AT users 
   would not be told that there was any image here.

So, they would not experience it.

(Strictly speaking, and despite the canvas behavior, the AT *could*
 probably announce the picture — e.g. it could say ‘Picture!’. But
 if so, if there could perhaps be confusion e.g. if it found <img>
 element inside the picture.)


leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 2 September 2012 03:03:24 UTC