Re: Chair review of the issue-205 text-editing-canvas change proposals

On 04/17/2012 08:20 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> No_edit:
> No_edit does not address the use cases provided. It asserts that the
> rationale is "well reasoned" without providing justification for this
> assertion. It also makes other assertions such as "superior" and "more
> accessible" without providing any supporting evidence or addressing the
> original proposal.
> The details section is incomplete in that it lists examples of things
> that could be added instead of providing a set of edit instructions,
> specific enough that they can be applied without ambiguity.

If the details section is not corrected by May 17th, the chairs will 
consider this proposal to be withdrawn.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 15:24:47 UTC