Re: Text description for @poster (was RE: CP, ISSUE-30: Link longdesc to role of img [Was: hypothetical question on longdesc])

Hi Laura,

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 4:13 AM, Laura Carlson
<> wrote:
> Hi Silvia,
> If <video poster> provided no content, <video poster> would not exist.

The opposite is true: if <video shortTextAlternative> provides
information, then video's initial display should also provide
information to the sighted user. However, most of the time the
displayed frame is useless. So therefore, in order to give both,
sighted and non-sighted users the same information on a video, we need
to introduce the ability to provide a meaningful placeholder frame for
the video.

It's actually comical that for video with a short text alternative the
blind user has an advantage over the sighted user! That is: once we
have agreed on what name we want to give to that attribute that holds
the short text alternative for video. I continue to believe that
aria-label provides for all that we require.

> I hope that everyone in the HTML Working Group comprehends the big
> picture here. Increasingly HTML5 is relying on ARIA to provide for
> HTML5's accessibility failings.

I regard the "name-spacing" of the "aria-" attribute set as a helpful
means to learn what attributes are useful to implement accessibility
for HTML. I don't actually think we should expect the HTML WG to come
up with more native attributes to solve accessibility issues - it's so
much easier to understand if they are all handled by the same body.


Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 00:28:02 UTC