Re: ISSUE-195: form-http-req - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals

On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 13:50:02 +0100, Cameron Jones <>  
> In the "Risks" section of the proposal i have documented and addressed
> the anticipated security concern.

That is not very clear. Also, that should be part of the details section  
if so.

> While CORS is referenced in HTML it is not a pre-requesite for
> implementations.

It is.

> HTTP is the deployment i am referring to and it is interaction with
> this protocol which the proposal recommends. You have raised concern
> that further information is required for specification however i am
> stating that further information is not required - or available  - as
> it is already under specification, implementation and deployment on a
> global scale and with universal adoption.

This is nonsense given the context of what is available to web pages today.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 13:02:00 UTC