Re: CP, ISSUE-30: Link longdesc to role of img [Was: hypothetical question on longdesc]

David Singer, Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:48:32 -0700:

> I would explore in the direction of elements under audio/video and 
> parallel to track:

Guess it is a good thing that it could work for <audio> as well.

> (sketching furiously here)
> <video…>
>   <track…>
>   <link rel="longdesc" href="…" />
>   <link rel="transcript" href="…" />
>   <div rel="alt" lang="cn-US">alternative text</div>
> </video>

On the positive side: 

I like the use of rel=longdesc. It has been proposed before ... This 
solution has the potential to work for other elements too.

On the negative side: 

Did you chose <link> because <a> would be considered fallback ...? 
Isn't even <link> - until further - just fallback?

In fact, so long as <link> is hidden in the fallback, then it is not 
keyboard accessible - regardless of whether you staff it with 
@tabindex=. And so, without some workaround for that, then the <link> 
would have to be placed outside the <video> element.
> Similarly the tracks could indicate timed accessibility alternatives 
> via their "kind" label.
> And these are all useful for all users; a programmatic way to find 
> the transcript, description, and short text benefit all boats.

In Firefox - and, I think, only in Firefox - the the <link> can, via 
CSS, become a visual, clickable element. In fact, it does not need any 
styling, so long as you add tabindex= to it or something like that. The 
problem is just: How to glue the link to the video in such a way that 
it is obvious that it is for the video.
leif h silli

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 00:38:34 UTC