Re: hypothetical question on longdesc

Hi Sam,

> Meanwhile, we desperately need to break out of the following state:
> 1) We need a decision *now* on longdesc

We have needed an expedited decision for a very long time. It was
promised but not delivered. Not providing one has been damaging.

> 2) We are still working on proposals for longdesc

My completed issue 30  proposal has been ready since May 2011 right
after the accessibility task force came to consensus and endorsed it.

Call for Issue 30 counter proposals passed June 2011. You received one
proposal from Jonas and one from Matt Turvey.

You split Jonas' proposal from Issue 30 to make Issue 204 February 2012.

Jonas requested that 204 be surveyed before 30.

Are not issue 204 proposals ready to be surveyed?

> 3) The chairs are jerks

No one has applied that label but you, Sam. I do not think you are a jerk.

> It is theoretically possible for longdesc to be 'instated' as a valid
> attribute on img in HTML5, but removed in  It is also
> theoretically possible that longdesc is a valid attribute on img in HTML5,
> and will be valid on div too in

What I would ask is if it is decided that longdesc is included in
HTML5 via Issue 30, is there realistically enough time AFTER that
decision is announced for this working group to expand longdesc to
other attributes in the HTML5 timeline?

Or has Issue 30 been delayed for so long, it is now now impossible for
that to happen?

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Monday, 19 March 2012 21:01:01 UTC