- From: Matthew Turvey <mcturvey@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:03:00 +0000
- To: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis <bhawkeslewis@googlemail.com>
- Cc: Paul Cotton <Paul.Cotton@microsoft.com>, Jonas Sicking <jonas@sicking.cc>, Sam Ruby <rubys@intertwingly.net>, "public-html@w3.org LIST" <public-html@w3.org>
Benjamin, Thanks very much for taking the time to provide good feedback. Before going any further I'd like to see whether it's possible to reach amicable consensus on this issue. In my personal opinion, the W3C should be focusing on universal design, not segregation, in HTML5. However, the HTML-A11Y-TF felt compelled to formally object to HTML5 Last Call unless longdesc was included as a conforming feature, and WAI are now apparently working on a new aria-describedat attribute to provide the same function. This is despite no one being able to come up with any use cases that specifically require longdesc after 15 years of discussion: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0058.html So this CP provides a way to easily separate the "providing programmatically determinable long descriptions" requirement from the WAI/HTML-A11Y-TF's "hide them from sighted users" requirement, while still allowing both requirements to be satisfied if needed. This seems to me to be a reasonable compromise that everyone could support. Is anyone planning to write a change proposal arguing against allowing ARIA to reference @hidden content? Or can the HTMLWG agree amicable consensus on this issue and move on? -Matt
Received on Monday, 12 March 2012 22:03:28 UTC