Re: ISSUE-204: aria-hidden - Chairs Solicit Proposals (was: Chair review of "Keep Longdesc Deprecated")

Matthew Turvey, Sat, 10 Mar 2012 22:56:33 +0000:
> On 14 February 2012 19:24, Paul Cotton wrote:

> Please find below an updated change proposal, to allow ARIA attributes
> to reference hidden elements, for ISSUE-204:

I take the liberty to offer some comments:

* Looking at the URL of the CP: Please note that you have full 
opportunity,  in the Wiki, to move to a more relevant page address - 
DeprecateLongdesc is just weird.

* Looking at the text: Please note that you have submitted a CP 
relating to @hidden and not to @longdesc. Hence it is weird to find 
text snippets like this:

]] The aria-describedby attribute designed by WAI has several 
advantages over the longdesc attribute. The first one is that it is 
much more generic than longdesc [[

We also find a section on 'Reasons for deprecating longdesc' ...

As the CP notes, the chairs has split the issue ... But the entire CP 
appears as a CP for another issue.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Sunday, 11 March 2012 00:51:14 UTC