Re: Process question re. autofocus bug status [was Re: autofocus on links is missing?]

25.02.2012, 00:19, "Ian Hickson" <>:
> (I don't think it's yet an appropriate time. It's only been a couple of
> months

As far as I know, @autofocus attribute is specced more than 3 years ago [1]. What a couple of months are you talking about?

> and autofocus="" is still not yet widely implemented or used, so
> we still don't have the requisite experience to proceed.)

Just in case: support for @autofocus attribute is implemented in 4 of 5 major browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari.

As for usage (whether it's wide or not wide), could you provide source of corresponding statistics you've used?

Autofocus is actually one of HTML5 features that can be most easily implemented with JavaScript, and I personally use it by default in _each_ form that needs autofocusing (feedback forms, admin interfaces, etc.).


Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 21:43:15 UTC