RE: Patches merged or staged for week 50

Should: (fullscreen integration)
be a separate extension spec? Seems like a good candidate for one...

From: Silvia Pfeiffer []
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 4:00 AM
To: public-html
Subject: Patches merged or staged for week 50

Hi all,

This week the following WHATWG patches up to and inc commit 7569 [1] have been merged into the W3C HTML specifications. This takes us to WHATWG patches up to 5th December 2012.
1. Staged for HTML5.0 CR

You can find the new patches staged for HTML5.0 CR at:
(patches for 7th December)

Closes the following pre-CR bugs: (clarify <wbr>) (extend encoding sniffing)

2. Merged into master for HTML5.1 FPWD

I merged WHATWG patch up to and inc commit 7569 [1], which takes us to 5th December 2012.

You can see the committed patches here:
(patches for 7th Dec)

If you see any patches there that should also be applied to HTML5.0 CR, please register a bug.

If you see any patches that should be moved to an extension spec, speak up, too.

The following bugs have been closed: (fullscreen integration) (clarify "cancel navigation")

This one is fixed in HTML5.1, with a question whether to apply patches back to the CR branch: (video @poster compatibility)

Other features that have been added include:
* crossorigin attribute on script
* add document.currentScript

These branches continue to be held back for extension specifications:
* feature/whatwg_srcset:;whatwg_srcset

* feature/whatwg_canvas_workers:;whatwg_canvas_workers

I will address the feedback on last week's patches separately.

Best Regards,


Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 17:16:40 UTC