Re: ISSUE-30: longdesc "InstateLongdesc" - outlook

On Thu, 2012-08-09 at 00:09 -0400, Judy Brewer wrote:
> Given the dependency on an unknown date (decision availability on 
> Issue 204), and the overlap with scheduled vacations, we request a 
> date of [Issue 204 decision availability] + 3 weeks, with the 
> understanding that if we can have it ready earlier we will do so.

After doing some back and forth on this, including looking at the impact
on the timeline, I suggest that the Chairs start the survey related to
issue 30 on August 31st, and no later than that. If changes have to be
made to any of the change proposals, those must be made before August
30th, 5PM EDT.


Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 20:57:25 UTC