Re: CfC: Adopt ISSUE-184 data-element Change Proposal by Amicable Consensus

On 04/04/2012 09:30 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> On 03/27/2012 07:08 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
>> "Add a data element"
>> ----
>> Change Proposals:
>> Both Change Proposals for ISSUE-184 agree on adding a <data> element and
>> most of its details. In fact, the latter proposal explicitly includes
>> all of the Details from the former by reference.
>> The latter proposal differs in that it adds a "type" attribute to the
>> <data> and <output> elements.
>> The chairs plan to take a similar approach to what we did with 183 and
>> just call for consensus on the addition of <date>. This would obviate
>> the need to review Tantek's Change Proposal and would allow much of
>> Cameron's Change Proposal to be removed.
> At the current time, the chairs are issuing a call for consensus on
> Tantek's data_element proposal. If anybody would like to raise an
> objection during this time, we will require them to accompany their
> objection with a concrete and complete change proposal.
> If no objections are raised to this call by April 11th 2012, we will
> consider that part of this issue closed, and will proceed to evaluate
> arguments for and against the addition of a "type" attribute.

The call for consensus passes.  Reminder, feedback on the 184 proposals 
was posted here:

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2012 14:25:04 UTC