Re: HTML5 spec reverted to cvs r1.5431, svn r6782 [was: Revert request for r6783]

On 11/10/2011 01:06 PM, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
> Per the request in the message below and discussion on the HTML WG telcon
> today, I've reverted the spec to CVS revision 1.5431.
> That corresponds to the state of the spec prior to the change that removed
> the<time>  element (cvs r1.5432, svn r6783).

The request was to revert the one specific change.  By reverting all 
changes since that point, you have made the spec insistent with the 
resolutions to the following bugs:

13398 13983 13986 14037 14427 14427 14474 14502 14526 14537 14570 14572 
14572 14574 14577 14586 14586 14592 14595 14597 14628 14629 14631 14637 
14649 14650 14651 14654 14676

Please restore those changes.

- Sam Ruby

> Paul Cotton<>, 2011-11-03 21:08 +0000:
>> The Chairs have received multiple requests to revert change r6783.
>> This change is related to bug 13240 [1] which was never sent to the HTML WG since it used a possibly incorrect Bugzilla component.  Since WG members were NOT notified of the creation of this bug the Chairs have decided that this change should be subject to the Enhanced Change Control rules in the WG Decision Policy [2]:
>> "Therefore during a pre-LC review, or during a Last Call, feature additions or removals should only be done with sufficient prior notice to the group, in the form of a bug, a WG decision, or an on-list discussion. This applies only to LC-track drafts and does not apply to drafts that may include material for future versions of HTML."
>> We therefore ask for a revert of this change to be completed no later than the end of day on Tuesday 8th of November.  If this revert is not complete by that time, we will instruct W3C staff to make this change.
>> In addition the Chairs plan to change the component of bug 13240 so that it is considered to be a Last Call bug on the HTML5 specification.   The Chairs also plan to add the TrackerRequest keyword to the bug so that it immediately becomes a Last Call WG issue(s).  Therefore we direct the HTML5 Editor to NOT process this bug further until the WG reaches a decision on the WG issue(s).  We note as well that this topic was on the agenda of today's WG F2F meeting [3].
>> /paulc
>> On behalf of HTML WG Chairs
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
>> 17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
>> Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2011 18:51:06 UTC