Re: Last Call decision poll

Paul Cotton, Sun, 15 May 2011 18:14:24 +0000:

> In addition the Chairs will be counting votes in this poll to
> determine if we achieve a 2/3 voting majority and therefore we
> want as many WG members to respond to the survey as possible.

I'll assume that you meant "simple two-thirds majority" and not 
"absolute two-thirds majority". Because otherwise, an abstention vote 
could have consequences that I presume many of the abstaining votes did 
not intend it to have: [1]

[snip] two-thirds majority is a potentially ambiguous supermajoritarian 
requirement [snip]  
An unqualified or simple two-thirds majority requires that the number 
of votes in favour must be at least twice the number of votes against. 
Abstaining votes or neutral votes are not considered in a simple 
two-thirds majority.
An absolute two-thirds majority requires that at least two-thirds of 
the entire membership of a body vote in favor.[ snip ] (which has the 
effect of counting abstentions as votes against the proposal)

Leif H Silli

Received on Sunday, 22 May 2011 00:43:14 UTC