Re: Bug mail (Was: [Bug 10479] add role=radiogroup to details element)

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The original intent of our bug notification setup was that significant ("non-editorial") bugs would be tagged with the NE keyword, thus allowing the whole public-html list to find out about relevant bugs. Reviewing data for the past month, I think it's not working quite as intended.
> We have had 46 bugzilla notifications to the list so far. Of these, none were due to tagging with the NE keyword. Nearly all were due to either accessibility-related keywords getting added, or due to TrackerRequest or TrackerIssue keyword changes. So the group isn't really finding out about most of the interesting new bugs, but we are getting a fair bit of mail (often batched) about not-very-interesting state changes.
> By contrast, when I look at only the new bug notifications on the public-html-bugzilla list, I see 89. Out of these, about 24 were, in my judgment, clearly uninteresting - duplicates, garbage/spam bugs, or bugs that completely fail to identify a problem or change request. Many of the rest were quite interesting - in fact, I saw a number of bugs I might have commented on if I'd seen them earlier; or at least, knowing about them would have been nice. A number of bugs were on components that are not WG publications, such as the test suite or unpublished draft. The new bug notifications also include the full original text of the bug, making it much easier to see at a glance if the bug is new interesting.
> Besides I think learning about new issues is also interesting, but mail from the tracker might be more useful than seeing the keyword change from TrackerRequest to TrackerIssue.
> Therefore, I suggest the following proposal:
> - Stop sending notifications of keyword changes to public-html.
> - Start sending new bug notifications to public-html, but only for components that represent a draft we have published at least once.
> - Start sending new issue notifications from the tracker to public-html.
> Note that this will result in the public-html mailing list receiving *more* bugmail than currently - about twice as much per month. However, the mail we get would be much more likely to be relevant and informative. We would get some mail on spam bugs, but also a lot of useful new bug notifications with full text of the bug.
> What do Working Group members think of this proposal?

Yaay!! (== I approve)

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 16 September 2010 22:44:19 UTC