Re: Report on testing of the link relations registry

David Singer wrote:
> I think that formal registries and Wikis are both useful.
> Formal registries can have well-defined entry criteria, expert review,
> stability, references/owners/specifications, and so on (if they wish).
> They can be trusted, stable.

Trusted by whom and for what purpose? Not by browser implementors or Web authors.

Who benefits from trusting that image/svg+xml doesn't exist (and presumably "cannot" be used) or from trusting that ISO-8859-1 isn't an alias for Windows-1252 when decoding?

I can see value in stability if something is stable and right. However, I don't understand why stability is appreciated when things are stable and known to be wrong. (Where "right" and "wrong" are defined in terms of actual interop--not in terms of the RFC canon.) 

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 08:46:23 UTC