Re: Report on testing of the link relations registry

On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:12 , Jonas Sicking wrote:

>> I agree that some registries are not complete. I disagree that it's
>> necessarily the IANA's fault. The SVG issue is a nice example for that.
> Does this mean that IANA is not planning on making any changes to
> improve the situation for these registries?

The idea that registries should trawl the world looking for usages, guess what they are and what they mean, invent definitions and specifications to back up those guesses, is, if you think about it, rather bizarre.  But I can't think what else you are suggesting (well, maybe telepathy) if the registry is to be criticized for not containing things that no-one has tried to register.

On Sep 2, 2010, at 13:13 , Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> Whose fault it is is entirely irrelevant for our purposes.  If the
> IANA registry were hard to use because its servers went down on a
> monthly basis due to being struck by meteors because a former IANA
> executive was the subject of a gypsy curse, it would still be hard to
> use, and we would want to look for alternatives.  That it's not their
> fault is no compensation for the fact that it doesn't work.

The basic point is that IANA maintains a stable registry whose definitions and rules are set by the people who ask for the registry in the first place.  That's us.  We have met the enemy, and they are ourselves.

On Sep 2, 2010, at 13:48 , Jonas Sicking wrote:

>> It *does* work, but it requires people to actually attempt the registration,
>> and potentially fix problems with the registration. That is a *feature*.
> I guess we might have different definitions of "work". If the registry
> does not match real world usage, then IMHO it doesn't work.

'The garbage collection service doesn't work, they didn't take my garbage away.' 'Did you put it out on the curbside on the appropriate day?'  'No, that was too difficult, but it's still their fault.'

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 2 September 2010 22:28:24 UTC