Re: Executing script-inserted external scripts in insertion order

On 10/8/10 12:52 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
> I worry that figuring out when scripts execute is already pretty
> complicated (e.g., with aync and defer).  I didn't follow how the
> "ordered" property helps you solve the "labjs prevents Gecko from
> complying with HTML5" problem.

If the property existed, the HTML5 spec would say that "ordered" scripts 
need to execute in insertion order, while others execute as soon as 
they're ready.  Then labjs would set "ordered" on the scripts it uses, 
and get the behavior it wants, while most scripts out there would do 
what the spec says to do now.

Was that really unclear from what Henri said?


Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 17:26:21 UTC