Re: proposal: drop emails from public-html human lists

On Mon, 15 Nov 2010, Tantek Çelik wrote:

> I propose that we drop the cc'ing from
> to public-html lists that are used by/for humans for discussion.
> At a minimum: and

FWIW I find the current setup works well for me. It is highly useful to 
get an email per bug filed, even though there is some noise, because it 
provides the primary means of locating relevant technical discussion and 
possible spec changes.

I could subscribe to another list that provided the same content. I would 
prefer not to. In general if people want to ignore all bugmail this is 
rather easy to set up as a mail filter. It is not clear to me that the 
burden should be on people who do want to follow the proposed spec changes 
compared to people who do not.

Received on Monday, 15 November 2010 21:37:36 UTC