Re: creating issues for non-published documents?

On Mar 30, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Shelley Powers wrote:

> I noticed a couple of bugs recently that were filed against Steve
> Faulkner's alt techniques document, such as [1]. Now, they're
> resulting in issues.
> Question: how can we raise something as an issue when the bug is filed
> against a document that's not even published by this group, yet?
> This seems really screwy. For instance, what would the issue block?
> Not the HTML5 spec, would it?

Each spec is blocked only by issues that apply to that spec.

In the case of specs that have not yet been published as FPWD, it's  
not totally clear how to apply the bug process and the escalation  
process. My own inclination is that if an editor of a pre-FPWD  
document is willing to follow the bug process, then we should also let  
people raise issues, but the Chairs will probably not advance these  
issues through the formal process so long as the underlying document  
remains unpublished. However, I have not checked this thinking with my  
fellow co-Chairs, so take this as only a preliminary opinion.


Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 18:04:37 UTC