Re: AuthConfReq: Presentational Markup

2010-03-28 14:24, Sam Ruby skrev:
>> "thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk" is expanded
>> to a rule where no meat may be eaten with any dairy product, or even
>> from the same plate.
> I think that perfectly sums up the situation here.
> I have two children.  While I have been tempted on a number of
> occasions, I can honestly say that I have yet to boil either.  I
> routinely combine meat and dairy products.  Mmmm, cheeseburger.

For the record. The biblical passage is not about boiling children, but 
about boiling young goats.

All biblical scholars I've consulted agree that this probably originally 
related to a pagan custom for worship. The example might be badly 
chosen, but the principle from Maciej still have some validity.

Allowing presentational markup is not guaranteed to make sites 
inaccessible. Heck, most screen readers even have options to ignore 
tables used for layout. It is however you look at it, a slippery slope.

If a power user, knowing what he/she is doing, chooses to violate a 
rule, so be it. But everyone else is best served by simple rules.

Lars Gunther

Received on Sunday, 28 March 2010 16:37:54 UTC