Re: Bug 7034

On 03/26/2010 12:30 PM, James Graham wrote:
>> I want to take a consistent position. One where we are inclusive of
>> everybody's rules, or at least one where treat each constituency
>> consistently.
> So essentially you advocate normative relativism; that is a fair
> characterisation of your position would be that it it is not our job to
> perform any evaluation of the merits of a given ruleset, but simply to
> let anyone pick whatever rules they please?

The key word in the sentence above is 'our'.  These rules are 
somebody's.  They are not 'ours'.  They certainly aren't mine.

What we have now is a set of rules for which I can decipher no rational 
explanation.  I have seen changes requested that have been rejected 
without providing a reason.  Now that the rules have been tightened up 
on rejection, I see clocks being reset.

At this time I want the priorities on bug 7034 and 7468 to be raised, 
and am asking my co-chairs to join me in that request.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Friday, 26 March 2010 16:57:17 UTC