Re: HTML5 Authoring Conformance Study

Shelley Powers, Sun, 21 Mar 2010 10:27:48 -0500:
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:

>> On Mar 21, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Shelley Powers wrote:
>>  I may be wrong, and it's up to Sam to correct, but I didn't get the
>>> impression that Sam's acceptable solution is to remove all authoring
>>> conformance requirements. I thought, and Sam correct me if I'm wrong, that
>>> he was asking for the rationale behind the authoring conformance
>>> requirements. If there is no rationale for some, or many, then the 
>>> authoring conformance requirement is based on one person's opinion.
>> I think Sam has been very clear that removing all author conformance
>> requirements would be one solution that is acceptable to him, though not
>> necessarily the only solution.
> Yes, I imagine there is no rationale for any of them, then the only course
> to take is removal.

When it comes to @alt, then one of the constant requests from the 
accessibility side has been that guiding about how to use it should be 
that which is found in WCAG and its techniques. Such a think could be 
good, because currently, WCAG lives its own life - few authors are 
aware of it. By removing all accessibility authoring conformance 
guidelines from the 'text/html' specification, then we would increase 
the attention to WCAG. I can understand the request to have /some/ 
guidelines in side the 'text/html' specification. E.g. I, in theory, 
understand the wish to have just /one/ document to look at. However, as 
long as the 'text/html' only covers some of the guidelines anyway, then 
one needs to look in the WCAG docs anyhow.

Sam has also suggested, a few weeks ago, that the accessibility side 
considered if all accessibility guidelines was moved to a separate 
document. At the very least, I am open to such a thing.
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 21 March 2010 16:55:58 UTC