RE: Change Proposals, objections, and the Decision Policy

Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> > Hi Roy,
> >
> > I appreciate your note of support for the efforts of the chairs.
> However, a lot of your message veers into personal attacks, and that
> kind of content is not welcome on this list. Please take that sort of
> material elsewhere. If you want to post here, please focus on the
> argument and not the person.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Maciej
> I did that Maciej and look where we are now.  It is time you focused
> on the person so that the rest of us don't have to.


I sadly must agree with Roy here. I've deliberately sat on my hands these
past few days (trust me, there is a JF note sitting in Draft that I've
held back), but here Roy has expressed something that a lot of us feel,
and if it is not apparent and clear then I add my voice to Roy's sentiment
now. Once again the Editor is an ego out of control, and that problem is
significantly impacting the work of this group. I do not know what the
ultimate answer is, but I do agree that the problem very much is the

With respect and restraint,


Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 13:37:52 UTC