Re: video/@src vs application/octet-stream

On 7/19/10 1:42 PM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> So there's a foreseeable race-to-the-bottom here. Please, this time, do
> not blame the server implementers.

Er.... there's a commonly-deployed server that sends 
application/octet-stream when it should send no type at all.  How is 
this different from the text/plain situation we used to have?

I agree that if all UAs were to hold the line on this we could manage. 
But the server behavior (and the fact that some UAs have already crossed 
the line) makes that seem pretty unlikely, no matter what I may happen 
to think about sniffing.  :(


Received on Monday, 19 July 2010 17:50:55 UTC