Filing bugs (was Re: New HTML+RDFa Heartbeat Draft (2010-02-16))

On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:

> Many thanks to Maciej for reviewing the HTML+RDFa spec a few days ago
> and entering the (20+) bugs into Bugzilla... it made annotating the  
> RDFa
> bugs and getting this done much faster.

Yeah, after constantly nagging people to file bugs on our various  
drafts when we have comments, I finally turned all of my old comments  
on HTML+RDFa into bugs, other than the ones you have addressed  
already. My conscience is now clear.

I should note that besides the bugs I filed recently, there is at  
least one very old bug filed by Ian. I encourage anyone else with  
feedback on HTML+RDFa to file bugs. And the same goes HTML Microdata,  
HTML Canvas 2D Context, HTML: The Markup Language and of course HTML5.


Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 07:37:51 UTC