Re: BUG 8818 - lack of rationale

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2010, at 7:32 AM, Kornel Lesinski wrote:
>> My rationale for inclusion/keeping srcdoc in the spec:
>> * It's easier to use. Compared to sandbox without src, srcdoc 
>> requires less changes to server-side applications that generate 
>> markup. Applications can continue to generate entire page as a single 
>> response rather than having to split page into many separate documents.
>> * It's safer. It allows secure use of sandbox without having to set 
>> appropriate MIME types for responses. Based on experience with XHTML, 
>> MIME types are not widely understood by authors and often ignored or 
>> used inappropriately.
>> * It's faster. On broadband connections number of requests is very 
>> important factor of site's performance, often more important than 
>> size of the document itself. Unlike sandbox with src, srcdoc does not 
>> increase required number of requests.
> It would be fine to paste this in as the rationale or even just link 
> to this message in the archives.
> Regards,
> Maciej
I would also like to hear Ian's rationale, though I thank Kornel for 
providing  _something_.


Received on Sunday, 14 February 2010 17:39:02 UTC