Re: HTML Media Capture draft from Device APIs and Policy Working Group

Le mercredi 04 août 2010 à 09:54 -0700, Eric Carlson a écrit :
>   Why does MediaFileData.duration specify the file length of a clip in
> milliseconds? All time value attributes of an HTML5 media element,
> including duration, are in seconds. 
>   Is there a reason to be different?

I think the reason why we chose milliseconds initially was that a number
of JavaScript APIs use milliseconds (setTimeout, setTimeinterval, the
timeout parameter in geolocation to name a few); but given that the name
duration matches exactly the one in HTML5, and given the stronger
relationship between these API and HTML5 MediaElement, I've switched
duration to be a float number in seconds.


Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 17:18:03 UTC