Re: Timed tracks

It seems that this is a reasonable to look at a new format since, in my
opinion, none of the existing formats are satisfying (and yes, that
includes Timed Text). The main problem being that none of them are based
on HTML and CSS. I wonder however how you see this work interfacing with
the HTML5 specification, ISSUE-9, and the work in the a11y task force.
Is your intention to bring an alternative proposal for captions to the
task force? If yes, do you have a timeline in mind?


On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 04:36 +0000, Ian Hickson wrote:
> FYI, I've started looking at the timed track bugs:
> Right now I'm mostly collecting use cases and drafting ideas, but I hope 
> to have a first draft proposal integrating the suggestions in those bugs 
> and some other material in the spec in the coming weeks. If anyone has any 
> sample videos or still from videos showing real-world use of timed tracks 
> in ways that demonstrate possible features I haven't considered, please 
> let me know. So far, I and some others in the WHATWG list and on #whatwg 
> have collected the following:
> Cheers,

Received on Thursday, 22 April 2010 14:12:45 UTC