Re: ECMA TC 39 / W3C HTML and WebApps WG coordination

Sam Ruby wrote:

> A concern specific to HTML5 uses WebIDL in a way that precludes 
> implementation of these objects in ECMAScript (i.e., they can only be 
> implemented as host objects), and an explicit goal of ECMA TC39 has been 
> to reduce such.  Ideally ECMA TC39 and the W3C HTML WG would jointly 
> develop guidance on developing web APIs, and the W3C HTML WG would apply 
> that guidance in HTML5.
> Meanwhile, I would encourage members of ECMA TC 39 who are aware of 
> specific issues to open bug reports:
> And I would encourage members of the HTML WG who are interested in this 
> topic to read up on the following emails (suggested by Brendan Eich):
>   and the rest of that thread
>   (not the transactional behavior, which is out -- just the
>   interaction with Array's custom [[Put]]).
>    on an "ArrayLike interface" with references to DOM docs at the bottom
>    about a WebIDL float terminal value issue.

Would it be possible to summarise the known issues in an email (or on a 
wiki page or something)? I read those threads and it was unclear to me 
which specific points are considered outstanding problems with the 
HTML5/WebIDL specs.

Received on Thursday, 24 September 2009 13:25:39 UTC