
The section on WindowProxy seems slightly unclear.

* It is not quite clear whether there should be an object called 
WindowProxy in the global scope. Presumably there shouldn't because 
there is no WindowProxy interface (and so no IDL) but since this is a 
bit odd it could be called out explicitly.

* It is not clear what it means to "proxy all operations to the Window 
object". I guess it means something like "every time a function is 
called on the WindowProxy object (including an ECMAScript internal 
function), instead call it on the Window object". For these proxied 
calls it is unclear if the "this" object should be the Window object or 
the WindowProxy object.

* window is a WindowProxy object. Should window instanceof Window return 
true (I think it should). Per WebIDL 
InterfaceObject.[[HasInstance]](object) returns true if "[object] is a 
host object the implements the interface for which 
[InterfaceObject.prototype] is the interface prototype object". It's 
unclear if window "implements the interface" defined by Window in the 
sense meant by WebIDL.

This is quite complex so I may have missed something that answers all of 
the points above...

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 16:15:22 UTC